Friday, August 20, 2010

Part 1: Meet Leeroy

   When I think of myself, I see a well-dressed, middle-aged husband in a single-serving American home, not unlike yourself. I have two single-serving American kids and a single-serving American wife. I've only cheated on this wife a couple of times, but those women were even worse. More like appetizers, or something.
   That was a long time ago.
   If I were to look in a mirror, I would see the disheveled face of someone who has lost everything except for a slew of ideas. Or perhaps I have lost it because of this slew of ideas. Whatever. I am now completely naked with a full-grown beard, and am camped out in the playground, scaring off the kids. Any minute, a cop could roll up and say, "Sir, please quit flogging your dong in front of these kids." Or, they'll say, "What a sick individual! You disgust me! Get in the car!" These people pretend these kids have never seen a porno, or seen their dad's schlong. They pretend they're growing up in a perfectly average neighborhood with perfectly average parents. They make good grades, or if they don't, they're probably "exceptionally challenged."
   Oh my medium-sized American heart.
   I have nowhere to go, thanks to my decisions. I wanted to "start over." I had "hit rock bottom." So I went to my most basic, and became a nudist. Lived like a dog. I am living like a dog, actually. In fact, I tried to stay at the animal shelter, and the owners were cool with that. So cool. They were cool with that until I started "cleaning myself." That's what they called it, like I'm some kind of dog. I most certainly was not cleaning myself. Regardless, they kicked me out. Maybe I should have tried the strip club ("I am nothing. Save me.").
   But I can't do that. She wouldn't like that. I need to pick up the pieces, and find myself. Clean up, and put myself back together. You know, "put my self back on the market."
   Ugh. I'm getting too young to do this.


  1. "As he passed through his apartment on the way to the kitchen, something outside caught his eye. He went to the window and peered out. On the playground below, he could make out a man, fully grown, swinging on the swing set. The man appeared to be completely naked. Remus went to his door and checked the lock. Satisfied, he put his glass up and went to bed."

  2. But perhaps I'm not the only misfit of this society...early this day I saw a man butt-naked in public. Quite the sight! I'm not into other men or anything, but I crave seeing somebody in the same extreme of odd. I shouted at the man "THANK GOD FOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU!" I don't quite know if he heard or saw me because I had scurried off in a split of a second. Maybe he would understand where I'm coming from.

  3. The world was shrouded in a sort of technicolor hue, and I was excited. Excitement, it was something. I hoped Alien would like the theatre, finds its enormous supply of captured wonder half as intriguing as I did.

    A man in front of us was enjoying the rained out world as I much I was, just standing there by the old basketball court and letting the rain run down his body.

    My eyes widened comically like a blond heroine in the a zombie movie as I realized the naked monster.

    "Why isn't he wearing any clothes?" Alien asked.

    I guess he likes to shower without his clothes front of the world.

    "Let's go somewhere else." I mumbled, jerking the damn kid away.

    "Its ok Switch, I won't look, we can still go to the theatre..." She pleaded.

  4. "What in the world is he doing.... is he.... eww... really.... oh my god he is going to scar those poor little children... that must be that creeper Leeroy Jenkins that the tenets were telling me about. Wow that disgusting those little children cant even play on the playground with out him ruining it."

  5. A trash can fell down with crash.
    My only response was a low chuckle. Then with another crash, Leeroy Jenkins ran off into the night.
    I couldn’t help a grin. Leeroy sure was a funny sight, running around with his clothes off. What allows a man to do that? Only someone with nothing to hide would do something so free. I placed my hand on my side and felt the scar underneath. Lucky Leeroy. Anyone who felt bad for him was an idiot. That kind of freedom should only be envied.
