Thursday, September 2, 2010

Part 2.5: The Sun in Front of Leeroy

    Earlier in the day a swinish-looking woman came by and asked me if I was lost. I said, quite simply, "Yes." The swinish-looking lady looked a bit like she didn't know how to respond. I thought she looked quite swinish. I would never say such a thing, of course, but my thoughts are my own. Finally, she said, "My name is Ms. Pigg." I snorted. Oh the irony of life. The "parallelism." Attempting to hide my giggles, I said in a flat voice, "Nice to meet you. My name's Leeroy."
   That was earlier. As of now, I am laying on my back, catching a tan on the roof of the play set as passers-by watch. When I tan, I usually try to remember lines or ideas from my book to keep my mind off testicular-cancer. Skin cancer I can handle, testicular cancer not so much. I'm getting too young to worry about testicular cancer.


  1. Ms. Pigg talked to Leeroy for a while and asked if he would like to go to lunch with her. Ms. Pigg doesn't mind nudist. She was even considering taking off her clothes and joining Leeroy at lunch. Ms. Pigg's favorite food was vietnamese so she suggested that they go and have lunch together, naked.
