Monday, March 28, 2011

Part 7: The Part Where Leeroy Contemplates Becoming a Superhero

   It was a cold and windy night when I woke up and I realized that I'm not very important. I reached -
   My eyes open. A metallic screeching pierces the afternoon sky. I get up and wander in its general direction, but am stopped in my tracks by a spunky girl drugged up to her forehead. She had precious little of herself left. I liked that.
   I asked her where I could get some drugs (yes, I actually asked her where i could get some "drugs") and the first thing she asked was "are my eyes red?" The next thing she asked was "what the fuck was that?" as a bee flew by her face. The final thing she said was "look for Charlie Sheen."
   So I looked. Luckily, Charlie Sheen is winning, so it didn't take long to find him. It's never hard to find people who win. I asked him for some coke, and he said sure. He reminded me that he ate coke for breakfast. Then he reminded me he ate coke for second breakfast. Then he said he was winning and assured me that he also ate coke for elevencies, dinner, and supper.
   I searched again for the metallic noise ("why is it so loud right now?") and stumbled across a man and a woman trying to steal an ATM. For one blissful, coked up moment, I contemplated fighting the crime. I thought about flying. I thought about super strength and super intelligence and super attractiveness. I could even have my own superhero name, "The Naked Man." But then I remembered something. I remembered I'm not that important.
   So I just walked away.

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